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Gospel Workshops

Michelle Nailon
B.Arts, B.Theol., M.Theol. GradDipTheol.

Reality Search
Web Sites

1. Reality Search
An Overview of the Realitysearch Gospel Analysis

2. Reality Groups
Gospel of the Day (c/f the RealitySearch analysis

3. Reality Workshops
Reality Search Analysis of the Gospels - Links from paragraph headings to the paragraphs themselves
Literal Translation and its paraphrase

4. Reality Workshops
Animated workshops on the Reality Search Analysis

5. Gospel of Mark
(According to the Reality Search Analysis)

6. Gospel of Matthew
(According to the Reality Search Analysis)

7. Gospel of Luke
(According to the Reality Search Analysis)

8. Book of Acts (Luke's Pt 2)
(According to the Reality Search Analysis)

9. Gospel of John
(According to the Reality Search Analysis)

10. Gospel Sociology
Temporary showing of Reality Search Analysis of Acts of the Apostles
This includes:
"Is There a Critique of Greek Philosophy in the Gospels?"
and Questions and answers on the Above

"Gospel Workshops" is based on a semiotic analysis of the gospels called Reality Search. There are a number of "Reality Search" websites as listed here on the left side of the screen. Each one of these presents the analysis in a different format and over recent years the range of formats has increased. For instance there is a book called Five Pivotal Texts which includes the whole analysis. Another book called A Line of Logic shows how an ancient set of books proposed a particular type of society, but it avoids naming the actual books. On the other hand there is a book called Value Frameworks presenting an explanation of the analysis in terms of the gospels etc.

Amongst the formats, detailed Reality Search Workshops have been devised and in varying degrees these are on show at However recently it has been thought it would be helpful to provide more simplified workshops on the analysis so that a group of people e.g. a class could work through the material over a limited number of periods. The idea here has been to provide an overall view of the gospels while also providing, if people want this, a look at the text in greater detail.

A major difference between the group workshops presented on this site and other fomats is in emphasis. More attention is given here to the social backgrounds of the different gospels and the effects of these on the writers. Current academic references are provided for the points made.

Formats provided also take into account an anomaly about the Reality Search Analysis of the gospels. On the one hand the approach of "semiotic analysis" provides an in-depth study of the gospel texts and relationships between sections of the text. BUT the analysis also demonstrates how a particular social structure is being presented and promoted by the internal logic of the gospels. This means that some scholars would argue this material does not fit the discipline of New Testament studies at all! Rather it is a study in the "Sociology of Religion."

"Group Workshops" so far completed are available via the links below

Mark for the Classroom

Matthew - Group Workshops

Also Remember

It is generally agreed amongst today's scholars that Mark's gospel was written first, and Matthew and Luke used Mark as their major source. The Gospel workshops related to this site therefore assume that before delving into the gospel of Matthew, users will work through the Markan workshops first.

Gospel Workshops

Recent Books and Workshops

Project Employment Inc
Melbourne Australia 3020
ABN 39 566 577 931
tel 03 9311 5352